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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago - 17-12-1921

NAROOMA FERRY. – The Eurobodalla Shire Council has decided to run only a half hour service on the Narooma ferry. As a considerable number of motorists pass through this district, inconvenience will be caused by the long wait to which they will at times be subjected.

POLICE COURT. - At the local Police Court, before Mr. Shropshire, P.M., on Wednesday, two lads were each fined £1 and 8s costs for riotous behaviour. … Robert William Hilliars was granted a Sunday Trading License, and Ganesha Tabo a hawker’s license. … The Police v. Keating, for keeping inflammable liquid on his premises. Fined £3 and 8s costs.

PARK TRUST. - … A request for a gate on the southern side of the Park to admit prams was considered, and the secretary, Mr. J. McKeon, was authorized to have the same erected, provided the structure was proof against the ingress or egress of cattle of any age. … The Secretary was also empowered to have the race track harrowed and otherwise improved where required.

TH’ DROLLS. – This talented company will again appear in Moruya on Thursday, Dec. 29th. Mr. Bert Rache has engaged new artists including Ted Stanley, the favorite of all comedians in Australia, who has been eight years principle comedian on Harry Clay’s theatrical circuit. … Popular prices will be charged.

Licensing Court. – Before the Licensing Bench on Wednesday, Arthur Thomas Cooper (Club House Hotel) and James Turnbull (Criterion Hotel) were granted renewals of their publican’s license. The matter of transfer of Palace Hotel, Central Tilba, from L. W. Leslie to James Turnbull, was postponed. L. W. Adamson (Narooma) and M. Keating (Moruya) were granted a renewal of their billiard licenses. P. Lennard of Bodalla Arm Hotel, was granted a license for a publican’s booth at Bodalla races…

NAROOMA MEMORIAL HALL. – The Under Secretary for Lands advises … in relation to the request of Messrs. Hyland and O’Connor, Secretaries of the Soldiers’ Memorial Fund, that land adjoining the School of Arts (or Mechanics’ Institute) site at the place to be set apart for Soldiers’ Memorial Hall in conjunction with the School of Arts, I have to inform you that survey and dedication as an addition to the Mechanics’ Institute site of the land desired have been completed, and the question of trustees is now being given attention by the department.

EUROBODALLA SHIRE. – Correspondence. … From T. F. Rutledge, M.L.A., re adult suffrage at Municipal and Shire elections. From C. H. Berriman asking permission to erect a fodder shed and fencing at Turlinjah. Permission granted, subject to the supervision of the Engineer. From P. Flynn, Moruya, asking permission to erect a latrine on property off Church Street. Referred to Sanitary Inspector to deal with. From James Foreman, asking permission to enclose the southern end of Otton Street. Referred to Engineer for report. From Bateman’s Bay Progress Association, asking that a sanitary pan service be now installed. The Clerk was instructed to proceed with the preliminary work.

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

Club House Hotel Queen Street Moruya.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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