The Repair Café will be open on Friday 12th February 2021 at the Red Door Hall Moruya .
Since opening at the end of August last year, volunteers at the Repair Café have checked over 200 broken items ranging from torn or worn clothing to electrical goods and electronic equipment, to bicycles, furniture and crockery and have successfully fixed around eighty percent of them.
‘This is a fabulous outcome’ said Repair Café Committee Chair Deb Stevenson, ‘because every item that is fixed not only has its useful life extended, but it is kept out of the waste stream which reduces the pressure on our landfills’.
A group of friendly and skilled volunteers will be available every Friday from 9am to 12pm to inspect broken items brought in by members of the community and have a go at fixing them. Visitors are invited to stay and learn how to repair their broken goods while enjoying refreshments provided at the Café.
‘The whole idea of a Repair Café is to build community resilience and cohesion through sharing skills and knowledge in a congenial setting’ said Deb Stevenson.
‘We now have an additional set of skills and knowledge to share with the community in the form of our new partner The Tec Exec who will have a regular table at the Repair Café and can answer any of your questions about digital devices such as mobiles, tablets and laptops’.
The Repair Café services are free-of-charge but any donations are gratefully accepted and are used to purchase tools and supplies to undertake further repairs.
The Repair Café operates from the Red Door Hall, St Johns Church, Page Street, Moruya. More information is available from Deb Stevenson on 0417 835 169 or email or check the SHASA website at

Volunteer Wayne Donaldson checking the brakes on a mountain bike.

Volunteer Jo Fafie with a pair of pants she has adjusted for a satisfied customer.