The Beagle

Oct 8, 2018

Our Town Our Say: an update on the Mackay Park pool

At the Public meeting hosted by Our Towns, Our Say on Saturday October 6th 2018 in Moruya at the Moruya Golf Club Maureen Searson presented an update of the Mackay Park aquatic centre project to the room of 100 plus, assembled primarily to listen to speakers on the issue of One regional Hospital.

As the Mackay Park project is being put forward as a regional facility and the cost to maintain the facility will be borne by all ratepayers Maureen Searson, representing the group Save the 50m Pool took the opportunity to inform the Moruya community of the project and the history to date as per the perspective of her group.


The following resolutions were put to the floor with only one person voting against.

1. THAT Council be transparent and accountable in explaining to the community how it is lobbying NSW and Federal Shadow Ministers for funding for the Mackay Park Aquatic/Arts Centre.

2. THAT Council be transparent and accountable to the community about the process of building the Mackay Park Aquatic/Arts Centre in stages instead of the current situation of Council only consulting their allies.

#Community #latest #BatemansBay #Council #LocalStateFederal