The Beagle

Jul 1, 2018

Were the members jibes thin skinned and knee jerked or is there truth behind Brown's statement

The Beagle Editor

The Eurobodalla Council meeting of June 26 showed how thin skinned some our areas Elected Representatives are. You could say some personality conflicts were shown as well in the Local members response to the Library Book Funding matter that’s been raised many times in the past.


The comment from the Andrew Constance about looking out the window and see what’s occurring with the Moruya Library building area upgrade did nothing to accommodate the Library Books funding concerns, a matter the state government has been aware of for a very long time.


It’s all very well for the Local member to jibe, just have a look out the window in what can only be seen as a cheap shot at the Councillor who raised the library books funding issues and those who supported him. It was very poor public knee jerk reaction from him, it could be claimed.


However the reality is the Sate Government is cashed up with money belonging to the residents of NSW by selling off essential Infrastructure assets . That was possible because of the wisdom of our forefathers in Government making sure essential commodities like water and electricity infrastructures were provided for all the states residents benefits, not political Grand Standing purposes as elections come around.

Allan Brown



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