The Beagle

Nov 26, 2017

Pack The Pool a HUGE sucess


Thanks to everyone who came to the pool yesterday to show their support for a 50 metre pool in Batemans Bay. It was fantastic to see so many families there, sometimes with three generations of the same family together in the pool at once.

Thanks to your support, local, state and ACT media are following the story. It's important to reiterate that we support a new Aquatic Centre. We simply believe a multi-million dollar, once in 50 year opportunity, in a town this size, with above average population growth, warrants 50 metres being genuinely on the table.

It's your right as a citizen to have an opinion, make your voice heard and ask big questions. Having concerns with proposals put forward by government, and pushing for the best, does not make you selfish, naive, or greedy.

We will have another pack-the-pool gathering soon. Based on what you told us yesterday - you will all come again and next time bring more people with you, so we can't wait to make that happen!

In the meantime, please continue to support the pool as much as you can.

We've uploaded some photos with more to come. We did our best to make sure everyone knew they were being photographed. Any concerns please pm us.

Pack the Pool


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