The Beagle

Jun 25, 2018

New No Parking signs on Hector McWilliam Drive not yet legal

Tuross residents may have noticed that there are newly installed NO Parking Signs at the layby opposite Anderson Avenue on Hector McWilliam Drive.

These signs were installed on Friday at the instruction by Council's Director of Infrastructure, Warren Sharpe as he determined that cars parked there presented a "high level of risk" of being involved in an accident and also inhibit the ability for west bound vehicles being able to get around a car turning right into Anderson Avenue.



The signs are not yet warranted and have not been to the Traffic Committee for endorsement (possibly will go to the committee in August). Therefore no-one can be fined for parking there until they are in fact warranted. Presently they are just unwarranted signs.

Once it does go to the committee it then has to go to Council for approval.


At that point, if determined, it can be challenged and overturned by Councillors.


There is no legislation that prohibits you from parking at this layby as it is outside of the road way area.


The area has always been a stopping place in the village and up until recently was always gravel however Council have sealed half of the area which was and is appreciated for all those who park there for any reason.


Surprised to hear that signs could be erected before they were made legal and endorsed by the councillors and community John Tilbrook of the Tuross Head Progress Association will have the issue as an agenda item in the next meeting.


In the meantime a request has been made for the absolute legislation that has seen people parking there in order to sell their cars fined. That legislation, when provided will also be provided to the Tuross Head community when it comes to light.




#Tuross #Council #LocalStateFederal