The Beagle

Oct 20, 2017

They couldn't build a chook shed

The Editor,

In support of ‘Flim Flam & ‘ESC Councillors’.

I’m afraid your appeal for a better representative for the ratepayer is just wishful thinking – the "good old days" for the real deal, (‘a full Hand’) among Councillors has long since vanished.

I don’t know how far back you go– but in my day the Councillor was more likely to be a Tradie, Builder, Dairy Farmer (who was doing it tough) - even a good old Brickie- someone “grass-rooted in the community needs”. (How many will use this slogan next term?)

But what the heck - just someone who had a callous or two on his hands from use of a crowbar or pick & shovel – and if you out there are a real dinkum Aussie, and know your history– even an ex convict - or relative of one!

As I recall – there was no advertising for Council meetings. “It was on” when you walked past the entrance to the 'chambers' and seen a trail of cow dung stained footsteps leading to a pair of gumboots parked at the door, alongside a pair or two of unpolished boots - and these accompanied with a sprinkling of sawdust and a spatter of mud, -inside, a cardigan sleeve or two needing a hole darned, or a sock with a big toe protruding.


But you felt safe – reassured; ….for ‘one’ was confident there was a group of people in there who at least knew how to build a bloody chook shed without advice from a committee!

It’s different now isn’t it? When the election comes up! A couple or two 'appear' to have the right image, another "couple or two” lean on the image of another “couple or two” whom the community well know could do the job – but have no wish to be in Council (as blatantly happened this time) and so the voters are conned!

Some that have learned to “spruke the spruke” & “con the con” have won out - but when confronted with 'Council procedure,' most are incapable of the ‘chook shed’ bit. But it gets worse;

They are confronted with a number of secretaries & committees who have procedures, agendas, portfolios and a heap of other stumbling blocks that both confuse & dumfound the ‘newchums’.

But still it gets worse! No one midst that “Oh what a tangled web we weave group”- even knows what a chook shed is!

So where do we go from here? …. quite simple really; There’s this ‘you–beaut’ computer that will tell you where to get advice and what the rates are and what the ratepayers can afford.

But then it gets a whole lot worse! The advisers (in essence) don’t know the ‘chook shed’ bit and we’re saddled with the wrong ‘perch’ for the chooks to perch on in the shed, and with the cost of replacement & the chooks – (we rate payers) are most unhappy!

Case in point, (and the very best of examples)- those “humiliating town signs"; Seems (and I know for sure) ‘committee’ members know not of this area's priceless history & heritage -so a tap or two on old faithful’s knowledgeable keys –an ‘walla’ (voila) we get this "you- beaut" company, outside of the area, that designs these things & is linked with religious ‘leanings’.

So now we haven't got the towers or columns of Sydney GPO – but the Seven Towers Of Wisdom – and for god’s sake -just the Harbour Bridge?

When the signs are replaced (and they will be) the relevant committee doesn’t have to go far now for advice – just call on the Kids from Moruya Public School or get it off Beagle- both are right into the history of Moruya and its granite contribution long before the Harbour Bridge came along.

Have a read HERE and you will be more than convinced that the so called "historians" who advised the design of those atrocious signs had no idea at all and wouldn't even be trusted with advising on the design of a chook shed.

Want some sound advice Councillors ? - ignore the secretaries & committees and do a bit of ‘sleuthing’ amongst those who put their faith in you as genuine human beings.

Where to start;

1.Find out the genuine cause as to why a petition signed by 650 ratepayers (including 415 business owners) for a Moruya Heritage Information Centre was ignored & tourists leave without any real appreciation of what this place was and is about.

2.Find out why a petition signed by 1,000 ratepayers & visitors, (re installation of a Heritage/Tourism concept) and contributed to and assembled by 56 local artisans and tradepersons, has been abandoned and ditto!

Remember these signatories are those who voted you into Council, and please try to get this- it’s what they want, and are entitled to!

Name and address supplied

#Opinion #Council #LocalStateFederal