The Beagle

Sep 25, 2017

It is not a "quibble"

Dear Beagle Editor


In her recent comments Mayor Liz Innes acknowledged that people were upset about having the Batemans Bay’s 50 War Memorial Olympic Swimming Pool replaced by 25 metre pool in the MacKay park Precinct development but the community shouldn’t “quibble” about whether we have a 25 metre pool or 50 metre pool.


Mayor Innes fails to comprehend the depths of community concern.


The reality of Batemans Bay’s 50 metre War Memorial Olympic Swimming Pool being demolished to be replaced with a 25 metre pool is not a "quibble”.


Being “upset” about Council’s lack of consultation with major pool user groups is not a “quibble”.


The demolition of the Batemans Bay 50 metre War Memorial Olympic Swimming Pool, "munificently" donated by Edwin and Daisy Street (Streets ice-cream) in the 1960’s, which has been enjoyed by everyone who wanted to use it since it’s opening on the 19th November 1966 is not a “quibble”.


Omitting from Council’s request for endorsement by Eurobodalla schools, the demolition of Batemans Bay’s 50 metre War Memorial Olympic Swimming and replacing it with a 25 metre pool is not a “quibble”.


Making no provision in the Mackay Park Precinct Development for a Clubhouse for the Batemans Bay Swimming Club is not a “quibble”.


Misinforming a significant number of major pool user groups, until two weeks before the Extraordinary Council meeting that the 50 metre pool was being demolished and replaced by a 25 metre pool is not a “quibble”.


Mayor Innes to ignore community sentiment about the need and requirement for a 50 metre pool for Batemans Bay is not a “quibble”.


Maureen Searson

Batemans Bay.



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