The Beagle

Jun 23, 2017

Patience wears thin waiting for overdue motions

Dear Beagle Editor,

It is now more than four months since the motion below to invite major stakeholders together to specifically discuss the Princes Highway corridor through Eurobodalla.

The motion below was declared carried and as such requires an action. The Mayor and the General Manager, under delegated authority have the duty to action any motion passed by Councillors. The motion below is an outstanding matter. The Mayor's role is to oversee that the General manager carries out her delegated duties.

It could be argued that the motion does not have a time frame and is therefore open ended and therefore it is at the discretion of General Manager of when she delegates her staff to initiate the meeting. It could be countered argued that the motion put and agreed to by Councillors had an expectation of a timely action.


Why it has taken this long is unknown. My recent request of Council to learn the status of the motion was to receive a letter from Catherine Dale (23rd June, 2017) that said:

In answer to your query, Councillors were invited to attend the meetings with the NSW Member for Bega and the Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight. For further information regarding the current Princes Highway corridor strategy I refer you to the Transport NSW Princes Highway Corridor Strategy


Council continues to advocate for high priority works for the Kings Highway and Princes Highway within the Eurobodalla shire.

It is clear from Catherine Dale's response that she considers the motion below to organise a specific meeting with Councillors and key personnel to have been carried out simply because, at time, many of those listed have been in the Shire for one reason or another including the Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight.


There may be confusion in the minds of some staff members as well that the recent SEATS

(South East Area Transport Strategy) meeting conducted in Batemans Bay where several key representative assembled to talk about a variety of issues including the Princes Highway might put to bed the outstanding motion as it is clearly defined below.


To my mind the motion below calling on a specific meeting with specific key players to speak specifically about the long term options and strategies for the next fifty years of the Princes Highway as it makes its way through the Shire through Batemans Bay, Mogo, Moruya, Bodalla and Narooma with the prospects of increased traffic and 26m B- Doubles having to navigate townships and bridges has NOT be addressed.

I have now written a letter to Council and the Councillors asking why.



General Manager and Councillors,

As you all would be aware at the February 14 2017 Council Meeting Councillors resolved

(NOM17/002 ) – File Ref: E00.4263 Motion Moved by Councillor Constable and Seconded by Councillor Mayne;

Council invite the Hon. Melinda Pavey MP in her capacity as NSW Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, and the Hon. Andrew Constance MP in his dual capacity as the Local Member and NSW Minister for Transport & Infrastructure, the Hon. John Barilaro MP, in his capacity as Deputy Premier, Minister for Regional NSW and Member for Monaro and the Hon. Bronwyn Taylor MLC, in her capacity as Parliamentary Secretary for Deputy Premier and Southern NSW, together with RMS Southern Region Manager Ms Renae Elrington to a meeting with Councillors and the necessary Council staff, as soon as it can be arranged, to engage in a discussion about the vital importance of:

i) advancing the upgrading the Princes Highway and Kings Highway, noting the critical role these highways have in servicing Eurobodalla Shire’s Residents, businesses and transport needs, the greater South Coast and Canberra regions and the international market place via Canberra airport .

ii) developing longer term plans for the future redevelopment of the Princes Highway and Kings to meet the medium and long term needs.

( The Motion on being put was declared CARRIED )

It’s the long term needs that’s important, long term planning needs to occur particularly in relation to providing for a four lane Princes Highway in the Eurobodalla Shire.

When will the proposed meeting occur. By what method will the shires residents be informed of the out comes of the meeting once it’s held ?

Yours Sincerely

Allan Brown

#Opinion #Council #LocalStateFederal