The Beagle

Jun 9, 2017

Council parks and reserves upgrades in Tuross Head

Take a drive around Tuross Head and you will soon discover the hand of Council's parks staff who have been working hard at making improvements around the town.


The park furniture adjacent to Coila Beach near the Kyla Hall was run down and falling apart. Thanks to the parks crew we now have two picnic shelters with benches along with an outdoor setting.


Along the cycleway adjacent to Tuross Boulevarde locals will notice newly poured concrete in the sections where recent transport cracked the cycleway slabs.


They will also see the "Stafford Dixon" seat that has a concrete pad extension for those with a disability to park their wheel chair or Gopher


In the Memorial Gardens Council Parks Crews have been hard at work installing new furniture replacing old benches and picnic sets. Work is still to be done improving the pathway and currently there is work being done on the seaward side of the memorial walls to provide more room for horses to stand during ANZAC Day ceremonies.


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