The Beagle

Mar 27, 2017

Possible Dog Park scope and costs

Dear Beagle Editor,

Much has been written in your popular publication about the proposal to have a Dog Park in Batemans Bay but so far we haven’t been told in any detail what is envisaged - despite repeated questions.

From the info supplied, though, by one of the commentators (thanks, Fenrir), the website Here and below gives a pretty good run down of what Dog Parks are all about and you would have to agree that they are fantastic areas for dogs and their owners/carers. This information is from South Australia where it should be noted that of that state’s 27 parks only three are not in the Adelaide metropolitan area.

Information on the above website tells us that on top of the land – up to 17,000 m2 – a good park has parking, pathways, heaps of fencing and gates, seating, shade, toilets, power and lighting, water fountains, drainage, doggie-do bag dispensers, garbage bins, dog equipment, signage, maintenance gear like mowers, shed, etc., etc..

Working on an area equivalent to just 4 quarter acre blocks, with the above features, including parking for 15 cars, I reckon the establishment costs would be well over $1,000,000, (and that’s not including any design, legal or DA costs, any longer term contingency for a club house) and ongoing annual costs are likely to exceed $30,000.

Why we couldn’t have been told before about the features and the costings is a bit odd.

Perhaps now in the light of this information, someone can officially tell us if this information is correct or otherwise, tell us where it is wrong.

Here is a rough calculation spreadsheet

(The above spread sheet can be emailed from the Editor on request)

Jeff de Jager

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