The Beagle

Mar 12, 2017

Questions around the Rural Land Strategy

Editor The Beagle Weekly

Dear Sir It is now 12 months since council approved a Rural Land Strategy for Eurobodalla - but the strategy’s proposals have yet to be implemented in a new rural local environment plan.


The strategy was developed after four years of detailed planning/mapping work and community and agency consultation.


Extensive weaknesses in the information held by authorities on land use and the environment were identified and fixed along the way, largely through the efforts of land owners. It is unacceptable, indeed unconscionable, that NSW government approval of the planning proposal required to implement the strategy has taken so long.


Rural land owners continue to face what has already been over ten years of uncertainty regarding their farming operations and development plans. And the shire is in the invidious position of being one of the last in the state to implement rural land planning reform.


Ratepayers were told repeatedly that involving the relevant state authorities at the early stages of planning would speed up final approval. But this hasn’t happened and I, and many others, would like to know why.


A credible public statement from council and the State Government, advising the LEP’s estimated approval date and identifying any impediments to its achievement is required now.


Yours sincerely

Paul Bradstreet

Surf Beach


Above: Click here to read the Council Media Release of Feb 23rd, 2016

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