With the cost of living soaring, fuel and energy prices spiking, wage growth failing to meet the CPI and mortgage rates jumping leapfrog the community is suffering already.
But ahead we have more to come with our rates and waterbills set to climb 2% and more while Council adds a CPI increase to all of its fees and charges.
With all of that it will be interesting if Eurobodalla Councillors grant themselves a 2% pay increase at next Tuesday's Council meeting.
If they follow on from the past decisions the vote will be YES with possibly a few voting NO but then adding they will donate the difference to a charity.
Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, Councils are required to fix and pay an annual fee based on the Tribunal’s determination.
A council cannot fix a fee higher than the maximum amount determined by the Tribunal and must pay at least the minimum fee. The level of fees paid depends on the category that the council is in.
The Tribunal is required to have regard to the same policies on increases in remuneration as the Industrial Relations Commission is required to give effect to under the Industrial Relations Act 1996, relating to the conditions of employment of public sector employees.
The Tribunal has reviewed the key economic indicators, including the Consumer Price Index and Wage Price Index, and finds that the full increase of 2% available to it is warranted.
The fees for a Eurobodalla, as a Regional Rural council, for 2022-23 will be $21,100 for Councillors and $46,040 for the Mayor.
It should be noted that the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal determined a zero increase in 2020-21 financial year.
It is good to tune in to the debate as the old guard prattle on about the need to pay councillors more to encourage more interest in politics or to recognise the public service that is being given for a pittance return. It will be offered that only those who are financially well off can afford the luxury of time to stand as a councillor thereby resulting in a predominance of retirees who do not reflect the diversity of ages, genders and incomes of ratepayers.
With a new batch of councillors it will be interesting to hear the discussion and hopefully a new perspective.
Tune in at 11am next Tuesday June 14th, 2022 HERE: