Another good field of 51 players registered for a Single Stableford event at Tuross Head Veterans Golf on Wednesday 14 June 2023. Winner on the day with a fine score of 22 points for the nine holes played was Ann Ware. Ann beat home Gail Rogers with 18, Sandra Hanlon on 17 and Paula Coffey with 16 on count back. Minor prizes went to Maree Coffey , Shirley Quinlan and Dorothy Madden all with 16, and to Margaret Downey, Cathy Milliken, Don Russell, Bruce Ware, Steve Collins and John Cox all on 15.
Ross Hendy took out the Bradman award whilst nearest the pins went to Terry Lunn on the 4th, Steve Collins on the 6th, and to Gail Rogers and Richard Kelly on the 7th. Richard Kelly also took out the Accurate drive competition.
Above: Winner Ann Ware