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ReSource Yourself Art for Wellbeing Workshops

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Two FREE Online Art for Wellbeing Workshops

come to one, come to both - bookings essential - numbers limited

Friday 19th August, 10am to 12 noon


Thursday 25th August 4.30pm to 6.30pm

ReSource Yourself Workshop #1 - Friday 19th August, 2022 - 10am to 12 noon

Small Sensory Joys - Plant small seeds of perceptual pleasure and see what grows

ReSource Yourself Workshop #2 - Thursday 25th August, 2022 - 4.30pm to 6.30pm

Nourish and Flourish - Draw forth moments of nourishment in your life

How might you Source and Re-Source yourself? What life-affirming joys live in the core of


Following on from the July art exhibition Embers, Epicorm: Art of the Eurobodalla, in which

art-making is recognised as a powerful source of healing, Sally Swain is offering two tailored

FREE ‘Art for Wellbeing’ Workshops via Zoom.

Even if you don’t feel particularly creative, mark-making can support and enhance your

wellbeing. Carefully designed art-making practices can assist you to calm your whole being, tune in to your senses, access strengths, remember what you love, find wisdom and move towards regeneration.

In a safe, non-judgmental environment, with Sally’s gentle guidance, play with art materials

to tune in to a source of joy; to explore, express and cultivate the growth of what matters.

Our simple, accessible meditations and art strategies aim to help you connect with yourself,

your creativity, and a sense of community.

You don’t have to be ‘good’ at art or know what you are going to create. You only need to


~ your self

~ openness to playing and exploring

~ basic art materials, ideally including a few colours

~ preferably a laptop (but can be a phone) in a private space.

By completing either one or both of the workshops, you can expect to:

~ have authentically connected with self, creativity and others

~ gained experiential knowledge of how art-making can foster wellbeing

~ continue your regenerative work and play with tangible, practical resources and tools

Bookings are open to people over 18 years old.

To BOOK into the FREE ReSource Yourself Workshops, visit Eventbrite and register your

ReSource Yourself Art for Wellbeing Workshops are made possible by the generous support

of Eurobodalla ClubGRANTS.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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