Wednesday 19th May Narooma Women played a Stableford event with a twist. They were also playing for bragging rights. The ladies living north of the bridge vs those living south of the bridge. Today it was very close, but South won.

The results of the Stableford event - two divisions.
Div 1: 0-30; Div 2: 31-45
Division 1 winner was Dorelle Monteith with a great score of 38 C/B off her handicap of 16
Runner up was Diane Knoll off her handicap of 19.
Division 2 winner was Vicky Connaughton who has been having sensational scores recently posted a score of 39 off her handicap of 32.
Runner up was Libby Shortridge who posted a score of 34 off her handicap of 33
Balls to 30 C/B
Nearest to pin:
Hole 3, Div 2 - Jennifer Walker
Hole 9, Div 3 - Patricia Bennett
Hole 17, Div 1 - Jayne Hotchkis
Next Wednesday another stabelford event - round 2 is scheduled.