Ladies attending Tuesday social bowls enjoyed a beautiful sunny morning with a welcome breeze to keep things cool. Two games of pairs and two triples matches were played.
'Secret ends' were announced as the method the winners would be determined.
At the end of play six lucky numbers were drawn, each identifying an end. Each team tallied their score for those ends, to find the two top scores.
The winners were Heather McGourty and Jan Rapkins (skip) with a tally of 15 following their game against Clare Cork and Anne Hunter (skip). Denise Holman and Willy Blink (skip) won their game against Cindy Newell and Gail Palmer (skip) to claim second place prize with their tally of 10.
Anne Hunter won the raffle prize. Our thanks to Rapley and Son Plaza Butchery for their support.
Above: Alison Maloney attacks the jack as Sue Waldock considers her next shot.