Monday 27th June, 20 entrants competed in a medley stableford event. Only a small field as most of us played on Sunday in our annual challenge with Federal in Narooma. Happy to report that Narooma ladies won the day which was great. Catching up with old friends and meeting new ones was also a bonus.
The Grade A winner on Monday was Tanya Desmond with a terrific score of 40 off handicap of 18. Maddie Robinson managed a slightly higher score of 41 off handicap of 33 to win Grade B. Balls to 33 OCB.
Wednesday 29th June, 30 ladies competed in a Par event.
Div 1, 0-28: Div 2, 29-45
Div 1 winner was Di Knoll with +2 off handicap of 21
Runner up was Jennifer Walker with +1 off handicap of 26
Div 2 winner was Margaret Brown with +1 off handicap of 34
Runner up was Ann Durnan with 0 off handicap of 38
Balls to-3 OCB
Nearest to pin on the 17th was Pam Shepherd Div3

Above: Narooma and Federal ladies after a spectacular day of golf, great company, food and a win to Narooma.