The 36 ladies present were finally able to venture onto the green, although had to bowl in light rain most of the morning so good to get into Club to dry off.
President Sue Beavan welcomed everyone then asked Fran Lucas to accept a beautiful plant on the celebration of her 80th Birthday, no singing allowed!!
Welcome to regular visitors from Club Cabramatta, Michelle Weekes daughter of Pat and Jenny Cater, always a pleasure to have their company at Club Malua
Winners on Rink 9, Janet McKay, Sue Morgan and Sue Beavan.
Runners-up Rink 11, Michelle Weekes, Gay Biggs and Pat Weekes.
Lucky Rink 11 was selected to try for $1,000 Jackpot, Michelle pressed the button but came up with 10 instead of 16 . The money had to be won so Bowls Organiser David pressed Rink 10 so six happy winners including yours truly to share the winnings. Money Club winners, Anne O'Dwyer and Sue Beavan .
Other winning teams, Jenny Cater, Judy Davis and Alison Innes.
Dorothy Stewart, Shirley Edwards and Paula Hancock. Joan Rimmer, Helen Rees and Noleen Taylor. Yvonne Huddleston, Jan Shalders and Bev Keatley.
Happy Birthday wishes along with Fran to Colleen Ashby and Gloria Harper.

Winners, Janet McKay, Sue Beavan and Sue Morgan.

80th Birthday Girl Fran Lucas

Runners-up, Pat Weekes, Gay Biggs and Michelle Weekes