A total of 6 men were apprehended by Fisheries Officers from the Batemans Bay Special Operations and Investigations Group on Sunday the 26th of June 2022, whilst illegally fishing in the Murramarang Special Purpose Zone, as part of the ongoing fisheries compliance operation Alpha Tango 21.
The 6 men were found fishing illegally from the rocks at Clear Point in the Murramarang Special Purpose Zone of the Batemans Marine Park. The men were also found in possession of several fish taken illegally from that area including 2 Blue Groper.
Murramarang Special Purpose Zone forms part of the Batemans Marine Park and is adjacent to the Murramarang National Park between Pretty Beach and Pebbly Beach on the NSW south coast and is protected from all forms of recreational fishing including shore-based line fishing.
The 6 men had their fish seized and returned to the water alive and will now receive penalty notices of $500 each for a first offence. Further offences from this point may see them prosecuted in court.
Fishers are reminded to download the NSW FishSmart app to be aware of and stay up to date of all the Fisheries and Marine Parks rules in NSW.
To report illegal fishing, call the Fishers Watch phone line 1800 043 536 or report online at https://fal.cn/3fMUz.