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Great news... fifteen years ago

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

The following is not news of December 2021. It is in fact an extract from a document commissioned by the Eurobodalla Shire Council in 2006 to undertake a Preliminary Feasibility Study for the proposed new Hospital for Eurobodalla Shire. Fifteen years ago the following was written. Fifteen years ago and it reads as if it was written yesterday. The schedule of Accommodation identifies a gross building area of approximately 12,000 square metres.

Ideally a Health Service of this size should be on a simple level template to maximise functional integration incremental expansion and to provide an environment that is conducive to well being.

Allowing for a building composition that is in a landscaped setting, a base site area of 30,000 square metres is deemed appropriate. A further 10,000 square metres would be necessary for car parks, service yard, drop off points and roadways. In addition approximately 30% should be allowed for future expansion – thus a total site of 52,000 square metres (5.2 hectares). The Greater Southern Area Health Service recently prepared a Service Plan for the Eurobodalla Health Service Cluster, with specific emphasis on the health needs for the future.

There are two district Hospitals in the Cluster at Batemans Bay and Moruya, and Community Health Centres at Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma. Outreach services are provided at Bermagui, Cobargo, Mogo, Tuross Heads and Wallaga Lake.

The Service Plan identified a model of care for the future, consistent with NSW Health and Greater Southern Area Health Service (GSAHS) strategic directions. Specifically, it proposed the integration of services onto one campus, thus reducing duplication, increasing health delivery efficiencies and improving workforce flexibility with emphasis on recruitment and retention.

The vision to operate one facility at a single location is proposed to be established within a 10-year timeframe.

Health Science Planning Consultants Pty Ltd were commissioned to undertake a Preliminary Feasibility Study to consider the existing built environment of the two Hospitals, and other potential sites and opportunities which may exist for the establishment of a single campus. The work was to be undertaken within the context of the Service Plan. Under Critical care services the intent is to maximise the coordination of critical care services in the Eurobodalla by developing one networked service across two hospitals, exploring the opportunities for service and locational specialties, with the vision of moving towards developing a more highly specialised local service.

Managing chronic care Many chronic conditions can and are managed within the primary care setting. Ensuring that people with chronic disease fully understand arid are empowered to manage their condition is a major priority. A growing. ageing population will increase the demand for chronic and palliative care, and aged and extended care services in the future. This focus has strong links with Aboriginal Health services, and Population Health programs and priorities. Working towards establishing an inpatient rehabilitation centre for the South Coast, to compliment the ambulatory care centre already planned for, Is a priority for the Eurobodalla.

The building of an Ambulatory Care Rehabilitation Unit is recognised to explore the potential to combine rehabilitation and transitional care funding to resource a single ambulatory care unit for the Eurobodalla, and develop an ambulatory care model of rehabilitation for people living with chronic conditions within the Eurobodalla to improve clinical outcomes.

The Eurobodalla has the third largest population of Indigenous people in GSAHS, with recognised poorer health status and health outcomes. Improving access to health services. providing services closer to where people live, and improving health outcomes for Aboriginal children and families is a pnonty for the Eurobodalla will continue to reduce the rate of otitis media for aboriginal children living in the Eurobodalla and improve access to services, by establishing otitis media clinics closer to home, including local access to an audiologist and coordinated care by focusing on providing access to local surgical services in the long term.

From 2006. The question has to be asked.... what have they been doing for the past fifteen years having identified then that something need to be done to address what was already considered "poor". Read the full 2006 report HERE

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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