Majors Creek gold mine proponent's (Aurelia Metals') application to the Department of Planning for further Modifications to the Project Approval. There is a 14 day exhibition period. Members of the public have until 27 September to lodge a submission.
Increase processing rate by 60,000 tonnes per year, changes to water management, including construction and operation of a water management dam and provisions for emergency trucking of water to the site and administrative amendments to the approval.
About the exhibition
An exhibition process allows any individual or organisation to have their say about a proposed development. The Department of Planning and Environment (Department) has received an application to modify the abovementioned approved State significant development.
The application and accompanying documents (including the Modification report) are on exhibition from Wednesday 14 September 2022 until Tuesday 27 September 2022. You can view these documents online at . At the time of publishing this advertisement, the Minister for Planning has not directed that a public hearing should be held.
Have your say
The Department encourages online submissions, particularly during times when mobility may be impacted by COVID-19 restrictions. To have your say online, search for this project at and click on 'Make a submission'. You will need to log in or create a user account.
If you cannot submit online, post or drop your submission to the address below, to arrive before the close of exhibition.
If you would like your personal information to be withheld from publication, please clarify this in a separate cover sheet and only provide your personal information in that cover sheet.
Do not include personal information in your submission as your submission will be published in full. If you choose to send a paper-based submission, it is important that both the submission and mailing envelope are addressed to the nominated contact person below:
Please be aware that if you choose to send a paper-based submission and it is not addressed to the nominated contact person, the submission will not be received by the Department and will instead be returned to sender .
Before making your submission: You should read the Department’s:  disclaimer and declaration at ; and  privacy statement at .
Please call 1300 305 695 if you wish to be provided with a copy. Your submission will be published on the NSW planning portal in accordance with our privacy statement and disclaimer and declaration.