Councillor Alison Worthington has given notice that at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 9 August 2022, she will move that Eurobodalla Shire Council supports an end to native forest logging in Eurobodalla Shire. In her motion Councillor Alison Worthington notes the growing evidence that native forest logging by Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) in State Forests is both economically and environmentally unsustainable. Her motion is to encourage her fellow councillors to also note this. She also offers that logging in State Forests is incompatible with the shire’s and region’s investments in nature-based tourism enterprises, climate change mitigation and the protection of biodiversity. The councillor will seek the support of her peers to advocate to the NSW State government for the urgent development of a plan for the just transition of the native forest industry to ecologically sustainable plantations, and to advocate that the NSW State government enact plans to manage Eurobodalla State Forests, in partnership with south coast communities and local councils, for their nature-based tourism assets, recreational opportunities, biodiversity values and for carbon sequestration. She suggests writing to the NSW Premier Dominic Perrotet, the Minister for Agriculture Dugald Saunders, and the shareholder Ministers for FCNSW the Treasurer and Minister for Energy Matt Kean, and the Minister for Finance and Employee Relations Damien Tudehope, along with the relevant Shadow Ministers. It should make for an interesting discussion. The public is invited to make presentations on items listed in Council's agenda. PUBLIC FORUM @ 9.30am
Members of the community are welcome to speak with councillors about items on Tuesday’s agenda. Each speaker has seven minutes and councillors can ask questions after. Register to present before midday Monday. Join in the Council Chamber or watch online.
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