Bega Valley Shire Council is seeking feedback on its proposed amendments to the Development Control Plan 2013 for mixed commercial and residential development in town centres.
“Recently Council resolved to permit a wider range of housing types within our town centres to provide more accommodation options for key workers, business owners and seniors,” Council’s Director Community, Environment and Planning, Emily Harrison said.
“The proposed changes to the plan provide guidance on active street frontages, pedestrian access, accessibility, adaptability, car parking, private open space and landscaping.
“The guidelines aim to ensure ground floor development in a business zone contributes to an active street frontage and a safe pedestrian environment, as well as ensuring flexible ground floor design to accommodate future changes of use.”
Ms Harrison said Council’s proposed amendments respond to the shire’s housing needs and provides opportunities for people to live closer to the goods and services they need.
A Have Your Say feedback process on the proposed amendments opened yesterday and closes on 1 March. Documents on exhibition