South East Rangers from the Mogo Local Aboriginal Land Council have partnered with South East Local Land Services to preserve a culturally significant midden on the Tomaga River. Middens are places where debris from eating shellfish and other food has accumulated over time. They are important sites for Aboriginal people. Archaeologists have recognised the midden on the Tomaga River as having historical and cultural significance due to its size and the presence of a fire pit. The rangers have been carrying out ongoing works to both halt the erosion on the river bank and prevent the remains of the midden from falling into the river. They have used 2,500 hand sewn sand bags, 600 self-propagated mangroves and riparian plantings to address the issue. As well as encouraging the return of native fish and protecting culturally significant sites, the project has been connecting Aboriginal people with country and enhancing the employment opportunities for the participating rangers.

South East Local Land Services are celebrating NAIDOC Week 2017 runs from 2 to 9 July with a range of exciting and innovative cultural connection projects.
Acting General Manager Ken Garner said the theme of NAIDOC Week 2017, ‘our languages matter’, tied in closely with the work being undertaken by Local Land Services to help protect and strengthen Aboriginal cultural heritage.
“We recognise the importance and value of traditional knowledge in the management of natural resources and productive agricultural land,” he said.
“Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a strong social, spiritual and cultural connection with their Country.
“We have Aboriginal staff who are working in partnerships with individuals and organisations, both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, to deliver services to ensure that Aboriginal culture and values underline natural resource management decisions.”
Local Land Services has produced a special NAIDOC Week edition of its newsletter Local Links, which showcases the array of partnerships and projects being undertaken to support Aboriginal people to care for Country.
“The special 2017 NAIDOC Week edition of Local Links, highlights 12 projects that are delivering services that support Aboriginal people throughout the state,” he said.
“The newsletter outlines the work being carried out across NSW to help promote and celebrate the rich history and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.”
Download a copy of Local Links from