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Council meeting agenda for Jun 27th

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Next Tuesday will see Eurobodalla Council sit for their June 27th meeting with the following items set for the agenda. MAYORAL REPORTS NOTICES OF MOTION - Nil QUESTIONS ON NOTICE FROM COUNCILLORS - Nil GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTS Adoption of Delivery Program 2017-21 and Operational Plan 2017-18 The purpose of this report is to seek adoption the program and plan, incorporating the Budget, Fees and Charges, and the making of the rates, water, sewer, waste, stormwater and liquid trade waste charges. Various issues were raised regarding the proposed tennis fees exhibited in the draft 2017- 18 Fees and Charges – Congratulations to those tennis clubs who made submissions. The ill thought proposed tennis fees have been significantly amended taking into consideration the submissions received Determination of the Local Government Remuneration Tribunal The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal has set the mayoral and councillor fees for the 2017-18 financial year, with effect from 1 July 2017, and has determined that an increase of 2.5% should apply set at $19,310 for Councillors and $42,120 for the additional Mayoral allowance. Councillors can donate all or part of their fee to a project or organisation of their choice, if they so wish. Application for Leave of Absence Councillor Maureen Nathan has given notice that it is anticipated that she will miss the following meetings 25 July 2017 8 August 2017 12 September 2017 26 September 2017. An application for leave of absence for Councillor Maureen Nathan has been received to the General Manager. The request is now to be considered by the Council. Policy Review - Media Policy The Beagle is very interested in what is written between the lines Submission to draft regulations for the Biodiversity Conservation Act The reforms are complex and there is a significant amount of technical information on exhibition for land owners and the broader community to review, understand and prepare submissions on. 2016 and the Local Land Services Amendment Act 2016 Planning for Bushfire Protection 2017 The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) has released updated guidelines for development in bushfire prone areas. The guidelines are on exhibition until 25 June 2017 however Council were granted an extension to this period to ensure that the submission can be reported to Council. Policy Adoption - Recreational Horse Riding on Beaches Horse-riding on beaches is permissible in approved areas. Signs have been erected on those beaches where horse-riding is not permitted. The draft Recreational Horse-Riding on Beaches policy is presented to Council with a recommendation for adoption. Policy Review - Town Signs Council appear to want to retrospectively legitimise the current Town signs that still have considerable controversy around their design and the process of their procurement Of interest is this in the report: Designs for town signs which do not meet the requirements of Section 6a-6c above may be considered be Council on merit having regard to: 1.the aims of this policy 2.Schedule 1 Assessment criteria of SEPP 64 3.the views of the relevant community received through public consultation and 4.the specific characteristics of the proposed sign and its location.’ Eurobodalla Pathways Strategy 2017- it will be good to hear ex-Councillor Damielle Brice present in Public Forum on the need for Council to prioritise Sth Head road pathway. Local Traffic Committee No 8 for 2016-17 Policy Review - Pressure Sewer Systems Policy Review - Water Supply and Sewerage Headworks Charges Policy Review - Bus Stops and Bus Zones Policy Review - Rural School Bus Routes and Bus Stops Investments made as at 31 May 2017 Policy Repeal - Customer Service Charter Policy Policy Review - Competitive Provision of Services Policy Review - Interest Free Advances to Sporting and Cultural Organisations Policy Review - Rates and Debtors Hardship Policy - The Rates and Debtors Hardship Policy has been reviewed and no substantive changes are recommended at this time, apart from minor referencing updates Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2017

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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