Emails are coming in from across the Shire advising The Beagle that Councillors have reviewed the Dr Catherine Dale's contract and Key Performance Indicators and have agreed to extend the General Manager's term. So far the responses have been mixed between "utter dismay" and "sorely incensed" with many offering frustration and disappointment that they now expect that business will be "as usual" and will see a continuity of the Dale style of administration that has been openly challenged for its alleged lack of transparency and its continued poor communication and behind-closed-doors resolutions. Others spoken to by The Beagle are indifferent about the unofficial announcement saying that they expected little if any change to occur from the new councillors who are just following on, comfortable in Council's lack of any significant accomplishment over the previous "beige years" under her control. One commentator said "The minimum seems to be the norm and mediocrity is all that we can expect". Though the announcement is unofficial; the extension of term was leaked by a credible source One Council-weary pundit offered this exasperated comment: "When they (councillors) sit down to consider the alternate they get scared at the prospect. They are probably also warned at what change might entail. Advertising, interviewing, the unknown certainty of a new incumbent who will probably be a new broom and may actually want an audit of the financials and a review of the historically stinky decisions such as Huntfest and the Batemans Bay Bowling Club purchase that still linger like a turd in a nappy. New incumbents like to move deckchairs about. It is a game they play so they can't be compared to a previous GM - change the rules, move the goal posts, rearrange so that apples can't be compared to apples. "It is always a "safe and do-nothing" call to extend embrace the Devil you know rather than the one you don't. But then that saying might imply councillors and the mayor have some control over the current "devil" ... put simply .... they don't".