The State Government stated this is a "fair" levy. I don't believe it is. I thought it would be a levy that all ratepayers would pay; the same amount like the infamous Storm Water Levy.

It isn't new and according to M J Smith it isn't fairer either
But no, it is a levy based on Land Value, with a variation to the exemptions. The FESL promotion states "The reform will be a fairer way of raising the money that supports our fire and emergency services and volunteers. Previously only insured property owners contributed directly to the fire and emergency services. Under the FESL, all property owners will contribute."

Above: click on the calculator image to calc your FESL
Years ago the Water & Sewer Rates were based on Land Values and the State Government stated it was not fair on the Ratepayers in the State. They introduced a Base Rate for Residential properties and Water meter sizes for Business properties. This is a levy which is totally unfair and should revert back to Land Values as the meter size is not fair. An example is that all the hotels and motels in the shire have varying size water meters 25mm to 80mm. I sent an email to the ESC requesting information on this new Levy and was told to refer to the Legislation. What I wanted them to let me know was what were the exemptions, this they failed to let me know. From what I have seen of the Legislation it is clear that that this is not a fair Levy. As the way the Storm Water Levy was applied, it is up to the staff as to who is going to pay and who is exempt. Another Levy which is unfair is the Enviromental Levy, this is also based on Land value's, why can't there be a flat Rate for any of these Levies. When will Councillors and our Council stand up for the Ratepayers when it comes to fairness to all instead of Legislation set down by others that don't live in the Shire. M J Smith