The Passion of Pastel & Poetry Exhibition officially opens this Saturday April 15th at 4.30 pm complete with wine, nibbles and poetry readings of the individual artists works. Nikki Cooper will make the readings fun as not only is she an author, publisher and former teacher but her presentation skills will keep the audience enthralled. Open from 12 April until 18th April, 2017 at the Batemans Bay Surf Club, George Bass Drive, Malua Bay the Sth Coast Pastel Society Inc. invites all visitors to pay them a visit and vote for their favourite art in the Viewer’s Choice award with the winning viewer receiving a book of poems “Dreams on the Wind” by artist & poet James Chaffey. Exhibition times then from Thursday are 10 am – 4.00pm daily and entry of a gold coin donation is appreciated to assist the Surf Club. Our raffle which is being run will also be drawn on 18th April, 2017 at 2 pm. Naturally all works in both the Poetry & Open sections will be for sale and a good line up of art to suit all tastes will be exhibited. Don’t forget the second poetry reading on Monday 17th April at 2 pm from James Chaffey’s book of poetry.

Above: “The Paddlers” by Nina Poulton.

Above: Nikki Cooper
Verse 1 of 3 is James works titled “Currawongs” from his book “Dreams on the Wind” to hear the remaining verses join Nikki on Monday17th April at 2 p.m.
“Cullanack, cullanack”,
They are calling me back
To an Autumn that autumned before,
When the Summer had spanned
Ere the Winter began
With a flurry of leaves at the door.
New members are always welcome and information about the Society is available from our website, like us on facebook or email For further details contact Nina Poulton 0409037571.