Dear Editor, I read (Investigations start for new bridge at Batemans Bay March 4th) that the government are going to start underwater tests for the new Batemans Bay bridge. The story says that the new bridge will allow higher semi-trailers and B-doubles to cross the river. Allan Brown wrote a letter to the Minister that he had printed here telling them that a Coca Cola B Double has done a test drive right through from Ulladulla to Eden including the Narooma Bridge and Dignams Creek. The Batemans Bay bridge is only 60 years old and still has a lot of life left in it. So why are they wanting to replace it? Because it buggers up occasionally when it goes up and down and gets stuck. Solution. Stop opening the bridge. The Batemans Bay History centre told me that the first river ferry in Batemans Bay was a boat called the Eucumbene. It was an ex-army boat that came come from Lake Eucumbene and it went up and down the river and under the Nelligen Bridge as well. Then the Dunbars built the Clyde Princes and it could go under the Batemans Bay without lifting the deck. Around that time Innes had the first Merinda and then later got the Merinda 2 (Escapade). There have to be people who have lived in the Bay longer than me who can tell you the name of the old boat now sitting dry up the creek. They thought it might be the the first Merinda. They also said one of the boats had a fire and needed a new wheelhouse and they built a taller deck and that is why the bridge now has to go up and down. So the government has decided rather than telling the ferry people that the bridge isn't going to go up and down any more and telling the yachts that the bridge won't go up any more they wil build a whopping great bridge instead. If the Merinda took off its top deck then it could also go under the Nelligen bridge and take tours right up the Clyde that would make good business sense. Maybe even another operator might do this. Look at the boats on the Danube that carry thousands of tourists a year. They are low and go under bridges. There is nothing wrong with the Batemans Bay bridge so lock it shut and spend the money on the highway improvements that we need. Reckon that if it was locked the first thing that they would do is get rid of the wheelhouse. Sheer stupidity, {name and address provided}