Shhh! From the crew who bring you BassFront and Waterfront Saturdays, bring you the very first Silent Disco Dance Party at the Waterfront! A party with 'no noise'?! Whaaat? FRIDAY 13TH JANUARY! 9PM-LATE What is a Silent Disco? A silent disco is an event where people dance to music listened to on wireless headphones. Rather than using a speaker system, music is broadcast via a radio transmitter with the signal being picked up by wireless headphone receivers worn by the participants. 3 DJ'S + 3 CHANNELS TO TUNE INTO! Basically 3 nightclubs of your choice in your headphones! Each headphone has LED lights on them to show other people which channel you're listening too! +18 Event $10 before 7pm $15 between 7pm-9pm $20 after 9pm.