The Jonathan Richman Show Murrah Hall. Sunday afternoon Dec 18th JRE are on a mission to bring the upbeat, party music of Jonathan Richman to audiences of south east NSW (and beyond) Jonathan Richman Experience celebrates the music of the boy from Boston. Jonathan Richman burst onto the music scene in the early 70s with his band the Modern Lovers and his proto-punk hit Roadrunner. Since then he has become known for his wide-eyed, unaffected and childlike outlook, and music that, while rooted in rock and roll, often draws on influences from around the world. Although you might not be familiar with the music, Jonathan Richman Experience will have you dancing and singing along with Jonathan’s upbeat, infectious and catchy songs. The Jonathan Richman Experience (JRE) had their debut performance at the Candelo Village Festival in 2013 and was a big hit with the audience. Andrew Gray heads up JRE, taking on the persona of Jonathan, which includes the odd rambling monologue. It was Andrew’s crazy idea to create a tribute band based on the music of Jonathan Richman – someone very few people have heard. The band comprises Jamie Forbes (guitar) Sid Brassington (bass) and Peter White (drums) who are also three of the four members of local group The Hoops performing 50s rock and roll. To complete the unique Jonathan sound, Becky Lupton and Nataliegh Jessop provide sweet back-up melodies.