Seniors Explore Library Services. Senior computer users welcomed Donna Lawrence, from Moruya Library, to EuroSCUG’s November meeting at Moruya Golf Club. Donna outlined some of the many services offered by the three Eurobodalla libraries. As well as borrowing books, DVDs, audio books and e-books, members can access free wifi, family history online resources, and community information. The libraries also host exhibitions, artist talks, workshops, and storytelling for children. Donna demonstrated features of the library website, including accessing the catalogue, searching, and reserving and renewing borrowed items. Membership of the library enables access to eBooks through Borrow box and Overdrive, and eMagazines through Zinio. After morning tea, members attended sessions on topics such as free genealogy websites, getting news from Facebook, making Christmas letters, Calibre e-book management, and eMagazines on Zinio. Members are looking forward to their Christmas party in December, followed by a break until the first meeting at 10am on Wednesday 1 st February at Moruya Golf Club. EuroSCUG will be holding an Open Day at the Golf Club during Seniors Week in March. EuroSCUG aims to support members in the use of their computers, including creative activities and communications. It enables members to develop and share their computer skills in a supportive social atmosphere where use of computers is the common interest. The Group meets at 10am on the first Wednesday of the month at Moruya Golf Club. Members and visitors are asked to arrive by 9.45am to enable the meeting to start on time. Local area groups meet regularly in Batemans Bay, Moruya, Tuross Head and Narooma, and monthly tablet groups (iPad and Android) are also held. For more information visit our website at, or phone 0431 809 073.

Above: Donna Lawrence, Diane Hay and Penny Young - below: Donna Lawrence