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Moruya Examiner - Nov 18th, 1916

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 18 November 1916, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

EUCHRE PARTY. – A euchre party and dance is being arranged for early next month to raise funds for purchase of wool for the knitting class managed by the Red Cross workers. All the articles made by this class are to be given to our local soldiers.

Wedding. – A quiet wedding was celebrated in Sydney on October 28, the contracting parties being Alexander Adrian (eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Connelly, “Redbank,” Eurobodalla) and Beatrice Mary (‘Trissie’), only child of the late Thomas Thornton, L. Mus., A. Mus., L.C.M., late of Petersham, And Mrs. Thornton of Bermagui. The bride is the niece of Mr. John Thornton, A.R.C.O., of Bermagui, examiner London College of music.

THE WEATHER. – The weather for this time of the year is most unseasonable. On Thursday we were treated to a taste of Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. The prolonged spell of cold is retarding growth, both in garden and field.

EUROBODALLA SALE. – An unreserved clearance sale of the choicest of choice dairy herd will be conducted by W. Rixon on account of Messrs. W. Lavis and Sons at Eurobodalla on Saturday, 25th inst. A team of horses will also be offered.


That Bateman’s Bayites have just cause to be proud of their wealthy and generous private resident, Mr. D. Forbes Mackay.

That Mr. Mackay purchased the Sports Ground, alongside the Bateman’s Bay Township, containing 8 acres, and made it a present to the residents as a public Park and Recreation ground; and

That the “Examiner” asks the Bayites to confer upon it the honor of now christening it the “Mackay Park.”

That Mr. J. L. Ross, who has been suffering from some time past with an internal trouble, has been successfully operated on in Dr. Jenner’s Hospital in Sydney.

OUR BOYS. – The following is a letter received by Mrs. Jas. O’Connor, of the 7th Field Artillery Brigade. –

Lark Hill

Salisbury Plains

Sept. 27th 1916

Mum Dearest, - Like so many of my letters of late, this will also a bit hurried and short. For the past two days we have been rising at 5 a.m. to train for a very great event in our lives that passed off splendidly today, despite very unfavorable climatic conditions.

Well, Mum, I guess you think it about time that I told you what the event was. Well it was nothing less than being reviewed by the King. Did you ever think, Mum, that your son, born in far distant, but nevertheless beautiful Narooma, would have the honor of seeing and being inspected by the King of England, that worthy gentleman who we have come so far to assist in this the hour of his and his country’s need?

Well, Mum, today about 30,000 Australians were reviewed by him, which is the first and biggest event of its kind (as it was composed of Australians only). At 10 a.m. we were lined up for inspection and at 11 a.m. the King arrived on horseback accompanied by about 30 other gentlemen, all Lords and knights of England. After the Royal Salute was given we were inspected and many were the complimentary remarks passed. Firstly with his Gracious Majesty’s consent we will have a few remarks about his personal appearance. Standing only about 5ft 2ins. high he has a very pinched and unhealthy facial expression. I am told that he suffers acutely from indigestion, which no doubt, accounts for his appearance. He wears a moustache and half-matured beard of a ginger hue, which to my mind doesn’t enhance his appearance any. He was mounted on a fine black horse, which was presented to him by the Queensland Government some time ago, and was worth about 4000 guineas.

Seventeen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1915 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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