The ladies are kindly requested to take refreshments with them to the Progress Association Euchre party and dance on Thursday night next, 5th inst.
As Mr. O. Turnbull has disposed of his butchering business at Mogo to his brother, Mr. James Turnbull, he notifies that if all money owing to him is not paid before 25th July, legal proceedings will be taken.

Above: an image of some objects in the Museum Collection from the Moruya Hospital
The first in the field for 1923 is Mr. E. Hawdon, who announces that he is placing his pure-bred Clydesdale stallion, Prince Clutha, at the service of breeders in this and the surrounding districts.
The death occurred on 23rd inst. at Nelligen, of Mr. Michael White. Born in 1848 at Sydney, where he received his education, Mr. White came to Moruya in the latter sixties. He started business here as a boot-maker, but afterwards removed to Araluen. Returning to Moruya a few years later he married Miss Mary, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. Browne, of Yarragee.
[They] went to Walgett and carried on the boot-making business for some years, … then to Blayney and conducted one of the principal hotel businesses.
[Then] Mr. White purchased the Steam Packet Hotel at Nelligen, which Mrs. White and family capably managed for a number of years. Failing health compelled them to dispose of the business, and they retired to Sydney. A few years ago, they came to reside on their property in Gundary. Disposing of the house and land to Mr. T. Flood, the old couple returned to Nelligen and with their daughter Maggie, took over the general store there. His wife predeceased him only four years ago. Left to mourn their loss are Mrs. D. Cameron (Tilba), Mrs. J. Shoebridge (Milton), Mrs. Miles (Bombala), Miss White (Nelligen) and Mr. F. White (Nelligen). …
Moruya Cottage Hospital Meeting: Re cost of installing electric light in the Hospital. Decided the following sub-committee consisting of Messrs. C. Carter, W. Jermyn and G. Mitchell be appointed to look into the matter and report at a future meeting. … Miss Coppin tendered her resignation as domestic of the hospital. Resignation received and President [Mr. T. Flood] was empowered to endeavor to obtain the services of Nurse M. Constable. Matron reported patients remaining in Hospital on 30th April, 1923: 1 male, 2 females – total 3. Treated since last report: 4 males, 5 females – total 9. The House Committee reported that the light is still bad. Mosquito nets, blankets and sheeting were required for the hospital. It was decided to leave this matter in the Matron’s hands to fix up.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.