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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago 18th February 1922


BODALLA Q.C. – Willie Head, Barbara Brown and Edna Nixon passed from the above school.

DEATH. – The death of Mr. Edward John Stormon took place in Sydney on the 8th inst., through taking a drink of carbolic in mistake for beer. “Ned” who was only 45 years of age, was a son of Mr. M. Stormon senr., of Eurobodalla, and years ago was one of the best foot-runners on the coast.

DEATH. – On Wednesday the death of Mrs. Joseph Sebbens took place at her residence, Bateman’s Bay. Deceased, who was about 62 years of age, had been in a delicate state of health for a number of years. The funeral took place on Thursday, the remains being interred in the C.E. portion of Moruya cemetery.

Q.C. RESULT. – Mr. T. Doherty, pupil of Wagonga school, successfully passed his Q.C. exam.

SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS. – Leslie Curtis and Wilfred Taylor, pupils of Eurobodalla Public School, qualified for admission to Yanco Agricultural High School. The admission is by competitive examination, and only 60 students are admitted from the whole State, so Eurobodalla has been awarded a good percentage, the result of which that highly competent teacher, Mrs. J. Johnson, should be complimented upon.

A BLACK SPOT. – Just recently a fairly large party of motorists, after spending some few days in visiting the various beauty spots of our district, camped on the Deua River and had a most enjoyable time angling for the perch which abound in many of the secluded spots of the river. While in conversation with one of the leading residents of the Deua, some of the party spoke in most glowing terms of this district’s beautiful scenery and the charms of its many lovely watering places; but when speaking of the town of Moruya their enthusiasm entirely disappeared, and in a saddened tone they remarked, “Your township is a black spot on one of the most beautiful landscapes we have had the pleasure of beholding on the South Coast, and when trying to navigate its streets on a dark night you appear like one groping in a dungeon.” How sad, but, O! how true.

HOTEL ADELAIDE. – The old and popular Adelaide Hotel, which wooden structure was demolished some few years ago, and in its place a fine two-storey building, with spacious verandah and balcony overlooking the Moruya River, erected, and now known as the Hotel Adelaide, is having its comfortable sleeping accommodation still further enlarged by the addition of several rooms and 11 beds, and the present balcony continued to the extreme eastern end of the building. …

PUBLIC HALLS. – The last “Government Gazette” contains an amended regulation which states that licensed theatres and public halls shall be disinfected every day on which they are open to the public. The method of disinfection shall be the spraying of all floors, seats and any exposed surface in the building. The whole of the interior of such building be sprayed at least once a month. …


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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