The Beagle

Sep 17, 2021

ZeroSE leads south east NSW to a green economy

An alliance of regional environmental organisations called ZeroSE – A Beyond Zero Future for South East NSW has developed an economic blueprint to reduce carbon emissions and increase carbon drawdown with the aim of reaching net zero emissions in south east NSW.

Dr. John Hewson will launch the blueprint at 5.30 p.m. on 21st September.'

Details and fact sheets can be found on the ZeroSE website.

ZeroSE’s members include Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA), Climate Action Monaro, Repower Shoalhaven, 350 Eurobodalla, Coastwatchers, Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action and CANsign, with links to other groups such as Renew Illawarra and Upper Snowy Landcare Network.

ZeroSE spokesperson, Dr. Di Dibley says,

“The blueprint shows that implementing climate solutions locally creates jobs and a healthy environment for the future. Many solutions such as installing rooftop solar, solar farms, electric vehicles and energy efficient buildings are self-funding through bill savings or energy sales into the grid.

“In other cases such as carbon drawdown into State forests and farm trees and soils, the climate solutions need new regulatory frameworks, government incentives and just transition funding for any displaced workers.

“We can act now: not just to decarbonise the economy but do it in a way that brings opportunities and benefits to the community,” says Dr Dibley.

“There are already projects that are doing this. Some of the green-shoot projects are:

· The $5M Shoalhaven Solar Farm in Nowra which features 40 local construction jobs, generating 6000 MWh annually. The bulk of the renewable power will go to local customers – a first in Australia. The Shoalhaven community has already received a big dividend from the project with Council receiving an upfront payment of $210,000 for a long-term lease

· The ‘Imagine’ solar farm built by Clean Energy for Eternity and now powering the Tathra treatment farm

· A battery storage facility in Kiama Downs that will be built and run by Endeavour Energy

· A solar farm on the Beecroft Peninsular at Jervis Bay being built by the Dept of Defence

· A feasibility study into setting up microgrids across the Eurobodalla by a partnership between Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA), the Australian National University and Essential Energy, funded by a $3.1m Federal Government grant

· A biogas project to power dairy farms in Shoalhaven that recently received another $3 million worth of federal funding

· A project to plant trees on farms across the Snowy Monaro Shire by the Upper Snowy Landcare Network to restore land, biodiversity and draw down carbon.

“There are so many opportunities says ZeroSE co-convenor, Jack Egan.

“Just by ‘electrifying everything’ and retrofitting homes in south east NSW, as many as 560 secure jobs could be created,” says Mr. Egan. “Within the decade, local investment could reach $655 million. At the same time, electricity and household emissions of 1,480,000 t carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) could be cut by half.”

“The work of ZeroSE builds on existing partnerships with business organisations, service providers, Councils, universities, power/energy companies and community groups,” says Mr. Egan.

“For instance, in the Shoalhaven and Eurobodalla, Repower and SHASA are already working with power retailers Mondo, Flow Power and local solar installers such as Bodalla’s Micro Energy Systems Australia to boost solar uptake and energy efficiency in the commercial and industrial sector.

“These initiatives demonstrate the appetite for change and the need for governments - at all levels - to be more involved.”