The Beagle

Aug 10, 2021

Tomakin Twist Tops Bowls Report.

There were 30 Twisties on the green on a beautiful Sunday morning bowling in 5 pairs games and 1 triples , also enjoying some great music.

Thank you to committee, Bung, Rocks, Dobbo and Moby while others are away

Winners with lowest winning margin, Peter Crowe and Ingrid Blasius.

Runners-up, David Daverin and Helena Megee.

Helena selected Rink 6 to try for Jackpot , cards were cut by Greg Megee winning Skip on Rink 6 and out came the Joker, six very happy Twisties.

Breakfast trays won on 16, Robyn Best, 24, Tony Birmingham.

Everyone welcome to Sunday Twist Tops, lots of fun and friendship.


Twist Tops - Runners-up- Helena Megee and David Daverin.