The Beagle

May 3, 2022

Tomakin Twist Tops Bowls Report

Another beautiful warm sunny Sunday morning for 28 bowlers all welcomed by President Steven Hogan. Welcome visitors Sharon and Dennis from Canberra.

Birthday Greetings to Laurie Masterson who turns 33 on Monday 2nd May. At present Laurie is at a training camp for basketball, getting ready for National Games which will be held in Tasmania in October.

Congratulations to Margaret Carney, Jennie Hogan, Milka Starkovski and Karen James who won the Verstility Trophy in Narooma last Thursday.

Winners were those with Least Winning Ends, Karen Crowe, ( with a sore leg) and Tony Birmingham. Runners-up, Roz Greenhalgh and Bob Starkovski.

Other winning teams, David Daverin and Ross Miller. Ingred Blazius and Margaret Carney. John Signor and Sally Malone. Peter Crowe and Tony Dobson with only a point difference 18/17. Visitor Dennis from Canberra and Kane Malone. Pat Sly and Patrick Wheelahan. Michael Voce and Steven Hogan .

Tony Birmingham selected Rink 3 to try for Jackpot . Losing Skip Karen James cut the cards but could only come up with Ace of Hearts, more money in Kitty!

Lucky number winners on 23, Peter Crowe , 14, Steven Hogan .

Least winning ends winners , Karen Crowe and Tony Birmingham