The Beagle

Mar 15, 2022

Tomakin Twist Tops Bowls Report.

What a beautiful sunny day for 30 Twisties to enjoy their morning of bowls. President Steven Hogan started the morning by warmly welcoming Pat Sly who bowls with the ladies on Tuesday, also Sally and Kane Malone from Malua Bay.

Steven also mentioned the lovely new blue shades that have been installed.

Winners were those with lowest winning margin in a Triples game, Michael Voce as Lead, Margaret Carney as Second and Skip, Brian Wheeler on a countback.

Runners-up , Pat Sly and Karen James with only two shots in it.

Other winning teams in all Pairs games, Janet Smith and Brett Megee.

Jennie Hogan and Bob Starkovski.

Marlou Rollinson and Dick Morley.

Karen Crowe and Ross Miller.

Judy Hancock and Kane Malone.

Rink 1 was selected to try for Jackpot, winning skip Whizza Wheeler cut the cards and was very lucky to find the Joker so six very happy Twisties .

Lucky number winners, 12, Pat Sly on beginners luck !! and 13, Peter Crowe .

Everyone welcome to Sunday Twist Tops come along and bowl to great music.

Winners- Michael " Spike" Voce, Margaret" Hot lips" Carney, Brian "Whizza" Wheeler.

Runners-up, Karen "Jamesy" James and Pat Sly