The Beagle

Nov 9, 2020

The EuroStakes are taking shape to be a grand race in 2021

Across the shire jockeys (councillor contenders) are starting to organise themselves by selecting stables, trainers and silks in preparation for the biggest contest in 2021, the Spring EuroStakes.

There are already strong rumours that two of the current jockeys from the CAA stables will not be running next year, allowed to retire with a quiet nod in recognition of their unswerving obsequious faithfulness over the past four years.

Latest news with the CAA stables however is that there is strong interest being shown from a normally independent rider wanting to join the royal blue silks as he realises that without a horse he won't make the barrier on the day.

While CAA’s say their vision is to build a stable "you can rely on, one you can trust" they have lost the trust of many of their supportive punters over the past four years by failing to deliver anything other than a few cantankerous donkeys and a mule. 

While they might be the sweethearts of the Racing Committee that too has come under fire for its clear favouritism of one stable over another.

Further south the Moruya stables are already preparing their mounts with a few jockeys recognised as being contenders however it is early days and they are still developing a race plan.

One of the current round of councillors will be surprised to discover that his cowboy hat and boots will have no place in the upcoming EuroStakes. It has been more than evident that the slow talking cowboy approach that might win rodeo voters simply won't make the cut for what looks to be a fast paced track race. It is strongly doubted that he will find a mount and there is little doubt that he will find punter support when he turns up on a hack in a flannelette shirt.

The Green stables are sure to run a horse or two in 2021, taking advantage of the conditions that will see the Moruya Racetrack still bedecked with a backdrop of bushfire scarring and a heavy track due to continued and unprecedented flooding. As to their decision on jockeys; it is still early days and their popular lead jockey has yet to recommit to the race.

It will be interesting to see if the CVE stables run a horse as the past four years have seen little in the way of stable support for their lone jockey who, like the lead jockey of CAA fell out of favour with their trainers, refusing to listen and instead run their own race.

To the south of the Shire it will be interesting to see of the popular Independent jockey wearing the skyblue and white silks of Mid-Town Narooma will mount on the day. There is every likelihood that, should he race, he will have the support of many as he has true to his craft and fastidiously attended to his trackwork throughout the past four years.

It is known that another independent jockey from the south is also working behind the scenes to assemble a stable with his colours. As he has no race plan and is not well supported by the punters he has taken to proposing deals with other stables that might help him at least get a placing on the day. Sadly he has little support from those who have seen a clear under-performance in recent years marred by controversy.

The EuroStakes is an open event and there are stables across the shire now preparing the funding to mount their challenge. In order to get the backers they are presently working their race plans, alliances and the rewards they intend to deliver to punters should there be a win.

It will be these promise rewards that will come under scrutiny when they are made public as race day draws closer.

In the past the promise rewards made by stables have fallen well short of being delivered and while their horses may have won, the silks of their stables have since become soiled with manure and developed a distinct odour.

What is clear is that, irrespective of which stables, which horse and which jockey wins in the September 2021 EuroStakes it must result in the dismissal of the racing committee who have been exposed for their many shortcomings and possible interference in the day to day procedures of the biggest race in the shire.