The Beagle

Aug 28, 2020

South Batemans Bay Link Road Submissions report now online

The Transport for NSW – South Batemans Bay Link Road project team offers its thanks to members of the community who provided their feedback earlier this year on the South Batemans Bay Link Road review of environmental factors (REF) and concept design.

The team now advise that they have prepared a submissions report which responds to all feedback received.

View the submissions report

The REF and concept design were displayed from 27 April to 24 May 2020 and provided an opportunity to learn more about the project and give feedback.

The team advise "A total of 58 submissions were received and each submission has been examined individually to understand the issues being raised. The majority of issues related to traffic and transport considerations, including the provision of active transport for cyclists and pedestrians, potential traffic congestion and future traffic demands.

"In response to community feedback and following further design development, we have made a few key changes to the proposal. These include providing a designated left turn lane from Glenella Road to the Princes Highway at the roundabout and a left in left out arrangement to access Round Hill to improve safety and access.

"The northbound merge lane along the Princes Highway will also be extended to allow safer merging, while opportunities for improved cycling connectivity will be explored in the next phase of the project's development. We will also continue to explore ways to reduce biodiversity impacts across the project.

"We will continue to keep the community informed as the project progresses.

Visit the project website