The Beagle

Sep 25, 2020

Some vexing questions around Council's Mogo Mountain Bike Mecca

The Beagle Editor,

Your readers might be interested in an open letter I have sent to Council and Councillors in regards to the DRAFT Mogo Adventure Trails Master Plan

To whom it may concern,

                                         I draw your attention to the DRAFT Mogo Adventure Trails Master Plan and request your response to what are, I believe, valid and pertinent concerns.

1.To the best of my knowledge no other user groups were consulted regarding this proposal. Not MANSW, not DSMRA or any other motorcycle or user group. Will other user groups be formally contacted prior to the public meeting on 26th September 2020?

2. What car parking facilities will be available for an estimated 900 vehicles per week ,  ( estimated 45,000 people per year according to the draft proposal ), allowing for other current, regular visitors to Mogo’s shopping precinct?

3.What amenities will be provided to allow this additional 900 people per week to change clothing, wash and use toilet facilities bearing in mind that the only public toilet currently available is on the intersection of Tomakin road and only caters to one user, male and female at a time and who will be paying for new amenities blocks?

4.Traffic control. That section of the Princes Highway is already a bottleneck that, particularly on weekends, the prime time for mountain bike activity as well as for local shops, is already dangerous and frustrating for all road users. Will RMS be consulted as to road improvements?

5. What safety precautions will be put in place to protect all users of this proposed area? The draft proposal in part states “ As with other mountain bike track networks both in NSW and elsewhere, risk associated with use of the tracks will be managed through track design, construction and sign posting in accordance with the relevant standards. “

Sign posted? Provided by and paid for by who?

Bear in mind Forestry Corporations website states in part “ Four wheel drives and trial bikes are welcome in NSW State Forests on formed and mapped roads and trails “ on the proviso that: “ Your vehicle must be registered, You must be a licensed driver or motorcycle rider. You must wear safety equipment as required by law.”

Which brings me to Draft Masterplan 2 Point 13, 13.1, 13.2 13.3 and 13.3.4

A significant number of the roads proposed for use of what has been called “ Gravel Grinding “ are formed roads to the west of Mogo township that not only allow access to properties along those roads but are used regularly by through traffic gaining access to Larry’s Mountain Road, Araluen Road and points west to and from the township of Araluen.

 Roads such as, Maulbrooks Road,Heffernans Road, Araluen Road, Knowles Road and to a lesser extent, Ross Ridge Road, Quart Pot Road, Pistol Shot Road, Wandera Trig Road ( which incidentally is the access road to a major communications tower ) are not fit for additional volumes of pedestrian style activity.

Ross Ridge Road also intersects with Runnyford Road which in addition to having access points to private property, is used for access to Batemans Bay by many Nelligen residents. In addition, Runnyford Road and in particular Araluen Road are, at peak holiday times, used as “ rat runs “ by people attempting to come to the area when or if the Kings Highway is blocked, be that by an accident or increased volumes of traffic.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, none of those roads mentioned in Draft Masterplan 2 Point 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 and 13.3.4 carry significant signage to advise motorists of other road users. Will provision be included in this plan to provide additional signage to advise all users as to the presence of all other users and who will be funding said signage?

PLEASE NOTE: I do not have any financial interests or investments in regard to the above submission and do not stand to gain any.

                           I make this submission in the best interests of all current users and associated parties that may be affected by this proposal with the safety and well being of those users, and my own, in mind.

                            I anticipate your thorough consideration of the points raised in this submission and await your reply.

                            Yours Sincerely,

                             Brad McNeish.