The Beagle

Jun 27, 2020

SHASA donates solar system to the Bodalla Local Aboriginal Land Council

There were many unsung heroes involved in helping our community during the summer bushfires. These included Lisa and Stephen Cornthwaite of Micro Energy Systems Australia (MESA), a Bodalla-based electrical & solar company, who opened their home to strangers and facilitated ongoing supplies of food, essential items and support to the surrounding community through the Bodalla food hub. Afterwards MESA continued to play a pivotal role in helping to restore power to homes and businesses and donated a significant number of off grid systems and electrical works, including genset changeovers to local RFS stations.

In recognition of this important and tireless work, the Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance (SHASA – a local volunteer run community not-for-profit organization) donated a new solar system to an organisation of MESA's choice. MESA nominated the Bodalla Local Aboriginal Land Council [LALC], in acknowledgement of the significant contribution they have made to the Bodalla community.

A 6.3kW system was recently installed on the roof of the Bodalla LALC building.

The system incorporates micro inverters to better manage shading and multiple roof aspects.Whilst SHASA gifted the costs of materials, MESA gifted the installation costs as well as ongoing maintenance for the system. The system’s performance can be monitored online both from site and remotely. The system is already consistently producing between 17-20 kilowatt-hours per day since it was commissioned on 10 June. “This is an excellent achievement considering the time of year” said Lisa Cornthwaite of MESA.

This partnership between SHASA, MESA and the Bodalla LALC is a great example of the significant contributions made by local individuals and local organisations, particularly during critical times of need. “It is anticipated that the solar system will cover all of the Bodalla LALC’s electricity needs with excess power contributions expected to cover the majority of daily supply charges” said Kathryn Maxwell, President of SHASA.

Last Tuesday the Bodalla LALC hosted a thank-you gathering and gifted plaques to both SHASA and MESA and a painting by local Aboriginal artist Natalie Bateman, in acknowledgement of this partnership for a cleaner renewable energy future.


Above: Lisa Cornthwaite from MESA and Nakia Moreton-Steward from Bodalla Local Aboriginal Lands Council.  Lisa received a certificate and flowers.


Above: Lisa Cornthwaite (MESA) Matthew Morton (Bodalla Local Aboringal Land Council) Chloe Waugh (MESA) Nakai Moreton-Stewart (Bodalla Local Aboriginal Land Council) Tony Lowe (SHASA), Kathryn Maxwell (SHASA)


Above: Lisa Cornthwaite (MESA) Nakia Moreton-Stewart (Bodalla Local Aboriginal Lands Council)