The Beagle

Jan 27, 2021

School swimming carnivals and council pools

NSW Health has published advice for councils that operate swimming pools in light of schools commencing term one and planning swimming carnivals.

  • School swimming carnivals are permitted

  • Students should stay within their cohort group (class, year group, or stage) during the carnival to limit close contacts

  • All teachers, support staff and other adults must maintain physical distance of 1.5m from each other where possible

  • If high school students are expected to sing, chant or cheer as part of the event, then all spectators should wear masks while in the grandstand or other seating areas.

Pool operators should close the pool and spectator area to the general public while a school carnival is taking place unless there is a clear separation between areas of the facility.

The number of parents attending should be determined by considering the capacity of the venue. As a general rule, venues should aim for 25 per cent of indoor seated capacity or 50 per cent of outdoor seated capacity in spectator areas.

Except for when physically distancing students and record keeping, pool operators should comply with the COVID-19 Safety Plan requirements for swimming pools.

For more information pertaining to COVID-19 rules and recommendations in relation to schools and term one click here.