The Beagle

Feb 25, 2020

Quota International of Narooma Trivia Night

Whilst Narooma Community Choir was to benefit from the night, they generously donated the funds to Dalmeny/Kianga RFS and Wires.

It was a full house at Quota’s Triva Night at Club Narooma on Friday 21 st February.

Spokesperson for Narooma Community Choir, Lynda Ord, thanked everyone for attending

the evening. She spoke of the Choir’s decision to donate funds to Dalmeny/Kianga RFS and

Wires. The choir practises at the Dalmeny Hall, next to the RFS, and so are very aware of the commitment of these people to our community.

“Rapley’s Rebels” won the night, only just beating the “Neighbours” team. Rapley’s team

members included Jan Rapley, Warwick Huntsdale, Linda Evans, Kevin Evans, June

Hemmingsen, Jan Hemmingsen and John White.

The Squiggle winners were “Trivia Tragics” who depicted the theme of “Helping Hands”

reflecting the amazing work of our RFS and WIRES. The team included Lynda Simpson,

Mark Beaver, Bronwyn Glyde, Dale Loveday, Clare Cork, Gayle Allison and Sally James.

The winner of the fruit and vegie box raffle was Julie Hinchey.

Thanks to Club Narooma who support Quota Narooma, by not only providing us with their

function room, but a yummy supper as well!

Quota’s next trivia night will be held on Friday 15th May for Bodalla Netball Club.