The Beagle

May 15, 2020

Quilts from WA sent to Malua Bay with love

The Malua Bay RFS has received 15 donated quilts made by the ‘Ragbags’ quilting group of Toodyay West Australia to give to the members of the Malua Bay community who have been affected by the recent fires.

Carolyn Anderson told the Beagle "A very dear friend contacted Peter and I a few weeks back and asked if they could send some quilts to us to give away to warm those people who had suffered as a result of the fires during the coming winter and may need some comfort.

"The quilting group from Toodyay had been making quilts since February with fire affected folk in mind as they had done for the Victorian fires and their own. They forged a friendship with the Flowerdale Fire Brigade as one of their members had a relative Iiving in that area so they were able to have them personally delivered at that time, hence the contact with us so that we could deliver these quilts to the appropriate people.

"We were overwhelmed by the generosity of these country WA people - so far from Malua Bay. Some of the quilts are suitable for young children so we will try our best to see that they are well received.

"The photos below show the Senior Deputy Captain, Patrick Harris and President Peter Anderson handing over a quilt to Malua bay local Andy who lost everything during the fires.

"This is just one of the feel good stories that we need during these unusual times." said Carolyn.