The Beagle

Mar 28, 2022

Phillips Welcomes Additional Federal Funding In Budget For Milton Ulladulla Bypass

"Look what can happen when we work together".

Federal Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, has today welcomed reports that there will be an additional $352 million in the upcoming federal Budget for the Milton Ulladulla Bypass, though notes it will be important to closely examine the fine print when it is released.

Since coming to government, Mrs Phillips has fought tirelessly to have federal funding brought forward for the Princes Highway, including $400 million already allocated for the Milton Ulladulla bypass.

During this time Mrs Phillips has advocated to successive federal Infrastructure Ministers, to lobby for much needed increased funding for our roads.

Most recently, Mrs Phillips, wrote to the Minister, in January 2022 calling for additional funding for the Milton Ulladulla Bypass.

“I’m pleased to have worked with many local community groups to advocate for additional federal funding for the Milton Ulladulla Bypass”, Mrs Phillips said.

“I have been there from the very beginning, over years listening to our communities, and acting on that through fighting for funding for the Milton Ulladulla Bypass, Princes Highway and our roads in general”, Mrs Phillips continued.

“However, there is much more work to do. There are many local roads to fix”, Mrs Phillips said.

“I’ll also be looking keenly to see if there is funding in the Budget for the Nowra Bypass, something that should have happened long ago, but the Morrison government has continually ignored”, Mrs Phillips continued.

“I will always fight for local people, local roads and our communities, in this place we love”, Mrs Phillips concluded.

Of interest is the comment by the ex-NSW Minister for Transport and Roads who said this week "It is now incumbent on the NSW Government to rectify the design with the contingency money and shift the route around Burrill Lake village, not through it, hence destroying homes and business. There must be proper consultation from Transport for NSW given the $920m price tag".

One wonders why he didn't intervene whilst in government.