The Beagle

May 27, 2020

NSW SES Batemans Bay Unit adds a new vehicle to their Fleet

NSW SES Batemans Bay Unit reports

NSW SES Batemans Bay Unit is stoked to announce the addition of a new vehicle to our Fleet. BMB56 is a Isuzu D-Max fitted out with a General Purpose body (GPV) and replaces our Nissan Patrol EURO19.

While BMB56 will carry a minimum amount of gear, it’s advantage lies in the ability that it can be geared up quickly for specific tasks as required. This may be transporting gear on 4wd tracks our Rescue Truck BMB49 can’t access. It may see it geared up with Swift Water Techs if there’s flooding imminent in the area, or even a simple reconnaissance and command vehicle if we’re inundated with storm jobs.

It’s a great asset and we’re thankful to have it. Keep an eye out for it around the BBay area



NSW SES NSW SES Volunteers Association Isuzu UTE Australia #BMB56 #nswsesbbay #NSWSES #isuzu #dmax