The Beagle

Jul 9, 2020

Notice regarding proposed hazard reduction burn - Moruya 15th July

Proposed Hazard Reduction - Wednesday 15th July 2020

The community is advised that subject to suitable weather conditions Fire and Rescue NSW is intending to conduct a hazard reduction burn at: Spinnaker Place Moruya Heads, NSW 2537 AU 

These controlled burns are part of the Eurobodalla Bush Fire Management Committee’s annual Hazard Reduction Program. Strategic areas are being fuel reduced for the community.

Weather conditions permitting, the planned burn will be conducted on: Wednesday, 15 July 2020 between the times of <10 am to 5pm>

This notice shall be deemed to be applicable for a period of 7 Days from the date of issue. In the event that unstable weather conditions should occur on the proposed burning days, alternative days will be chosen.

This letter will remain valid until 22/07/2020.

Due to high fuel loads this Hazard Reduction may cause substantial amounts of smoke in the area of Moruya Heads, a letterbox drop will be completed prior to the HR in the immediate area of the burn.


As the prescribed burn will generate smoke, hot embers and heat, it is important that you consider undertaking the following actions:

o Keep doors and windows closed to prevent smoke entering buildings

o Outdoor items such as outdoor furniture, etc, should be either taken inside or covered.

Where this is not practical, items should be hosed down regularly to prevent ember damage

o Retract plastic or synthetic pool covers to prevent ember damage

o Remove washing from clothes lines

o Ensure any outdoor pets have a sheltered area

o If you have asthma or a lung condition, reduce outdoor activities. If smoke levels are high and if shortness of breath or coughing develops, take your reliever medicine or seek medical advice

o If you are driving a vehicle, slow down, keep windows up and turn headlights on

o For your safety and to aid post fire restoration, residents adjoining the treatment area are

requested to remain away from and not enter the burnt ground.

If you would like any further information, please contact the Fire & Rescue NSW prescribed burn planner for this hazard reduction, Station Officer Greg Rood , on 0439846655. For more information please consult the current State Hazard Reduction Advisory by visiting